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Resilient waterfront 

Connect human and environment with water in Nigg Bay catchment


As the project aims to use water as a link between the human, social and natural environment of the area around the Cromarty Firth, water, society and ecology were the three main factors in the selection of the design site. Each area was rated according to the variety of water bodies, the ecological status of the water, the risk of flooding or sea level rise, the lack of public space for the community, the accessibility, the diversity of land in the catchment area and the ecological attractiveness of the site, and the most potential area- Loch Eye to Nigg Bay was selected as the design site.

site selection改色.png
from Cromarty Firth to Nigg Bay catchment
mapping 4.png
research of Loch Eye to Nigg Bay
historical changes​
Overall planning

Overall planning


The overall planning of the investigation area based on the analysis in Chapter I, to enhance the water ecological status of the site while responding to climate change and reducing the impact of sea level rise on the site. The four designed types: algae field, buffer strip, wetland and salt marsh are explained next.

design strategies
aerial view of overall planning
response to climate change
salt marsh
buffer strip
algae field
Detail design of wetland

Detail design of wetland

The coastal resilience zone in which the wetland is located is designed as an intermediate scale, and its dynamic evolution with sea level rise. The wetland system is then designed in detail, including the different functional zones and materiality.

coastal resilience zone
wetland plan.jpg
farm wetland system
​constructed farm wetland
naturalized wetland
detail of the wetland
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